Friday, December 10, 2010 / 12/10/2010 11:55:00 PM | 0
Watched Narnia today, with the boys. It was just okay, maybe cause I was expecting it to be Nice, cause someone told me it was Nice & when I expect something to be Nice, It really has to be Nice to be Nice. Geddit? No? Nevermind.Another thing was stupid BIL spoiled the movie, pffff. But there was a dragon, so I still enjoyed!
Leaving fer singapore in two days, gonna miss boyfriend and everyone here! :( But at the same time excited fer life in sg again. Its been awhile, yknow. & crap, I haven packed. As usual, I'll stuff almost my entire closet into my luggage and end up wearing not even half the clothes I bring. :(
Okay, Im getting very annoyed with all the pathetic people on my cbox, with their useless dumb links which no one will ever click. I just removed all of'em cause its sooooo fuglying my cbox. Want spam also please go to someones blog which has like alot of viewers and not my dead blog la, pls? Goddd.
Ohya, my sisterrrr ikha! I know its a lil late, but still! Happy 15th birthday sweetheart :D Im sure you'll have a blast when you celebrate it later on, cause I know you know we know why. ;) Sorry I wont be around fer the celebration, but you know I still do love you haha, alot actually. :D Have a great birthday gorgeous!
District conference. one word, FUN. :) Pics? faceboooook, too lazy to upload it here. and also too lazy to elaborate. Alaaaaa why am I so lazyy. Nvm, I bet youre lazy to read also, so its okay.
&& you know why I blogged today? WRONGGGG. because my hair is nice today, BOUUHYEAA.
ok, Goodnight.
Gettin' your full attention, now that I got you exactly where I want. I get to tease you baby, now I get to taunt, In the nature of my crimson color gloves. Feeling the devils lips.
Watched Narnia today, with the boys. It was just okay, maybe cause I was expecting it to be Nice, cause someone told me it was Nice & when I expect something to be Nice, It really has to be Nice to be Nice. Geddit? No? Nevermind.Another thing was stupid BIL spoiled the movie, pffff. But there was a dragon, so I still enjoyed!
Leaving fer singapore in two days, gonna miss boyfriend and everyone here! :( But at the same time excited fer life in sg again. Its been awhile, yknow. & crap, I haven packed. As usual, I'll stuff almost my entire closet into my luggage and end up wearing not even half the clothes I bring. :(
Okay, Im getting very annoyed with all the pathetic people on my cbox, with their useless dumb links which no one will ever click. I just removed all of'em cause its sooooo fuglying my cbox. Want spam also please go to someones blog which has like alot of viewers and not my dead blog la, pls? Goddd.
Ohya, my sisterrrr ikha! I know its a lil late, but still! Happy 15th birthday sweetheart :D Im sure you'll have a blast when you celebrate it later on, cause I know you know we know why. ;) Sorry I wont be around fer the celebration, but you know I still do love you haha, alot actually. :D Have a great birthday gorgeous!
District conference. one word, FUN. :) Pics? faceboooook, too lazy to upload it here. and also too lazy to elaborate. Alaaaaa why am I so lazyy. Nvm, I bet youre lazy to read also, so its okay.
&& you know why I blogged today? WRONGGGG. because my hair is nice today, BOUUHYEAA.
ok, Goodnight.
Gettin' your full attention, now that I got you exactly where I want. I get to tease you baby, now I get to taunt, In the nature of my crimson color gloves. Feeling the devils lips.