Living in your existence
Happy New Year! :D

Saturday, January 1, 2011 / 1/01/2011 11:04:00 PM | 0

Hey guys, guess what. Its the very first day of a whole new year. :) Sooo, about the 2010 recap post, sorry la k. I admit im damn lazy. heeeh. Maybe one day I'll post... ok, shall stop promising blog posts that I'll never do.

YESTERDAYYY, was the last day of 2010. Went over to ashlees place fer the Low family dinner. I hate my couzin fer getting a new nikon dslr (!@#$%&) Kiddin I love you ash. Had a lil drink and went a lil pink and was a lil dizzy and felt a lil sleepy, but I was ok. Then kees mummy picked me up and off to the curve fer countdown, with my favourite party animals! Yoboe, Kee, Benji, Wt, Wp, Yap, Andrew and Adam! WOOOYEEEHH, had fun like nom nom nom! Fireworks were sooo pretty :') Danced/Jumped/Screamed like OOOLALA. 2a.m, MAMAK TAIME! Pics are on facebooook!

had. sho. much. fun!

HEEE, Moving on, Its 2011, yo! Wishing each and everyone of you out there a Happy, Happpyyy new year. Im gonna miss 2010 so much. Honestly, it was one of the best year ever. :) The things I did with my girls, the laughter, the fights, the jokes, the absolute nonsense in class, the time we've wasted together, well, just everything. We've been through hard times together, but lets just keep the sweet ones alright? Not forgetting my boyfie. Everythings amazing ever since we've been together. Thanks fer making the last 3 months of 2010 awesome and unforgettable. Also, all the new great friends Ive met this year, altho its only been awhile, but you guys rocked my world, hard. :) Oh and family, every second spent with them is memorable too. :')

So, to all of you. I love you guys to the core. I believe we can make 2011 twice as awesome.


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Nicole Low.

Just an ordinary girl waiting to bump into a dragon one day.

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